River, Erosion and Sediment Control


Major Services

River development will be required to harmonize with surrounding natural environments and people’s lives and to ensure the safety of river basins against rainfall.

Taking these considerations into account, we plan and design the strengthening of earth levee, widening of river width, and creation of nature-oriented river works.

River Planning

The rivers will pose a threat to the communities due to flooding, while they will also provide places of diverse creatures and blessings of nature, as well as places of relaxation for people.

We will plan safe river spaces based on a comprehensive understanding of flood control, beneficial water use, and ease of maintenance.

Design of River Facilities

River facilities are essential to enhance the safety of river basin against flooding and protect the people from flood disaster.

We aim to contribute to the development of earth levee, revetment, drainage sluice gate, and drainage pump station as well as strengthening of existing earth levee against earthquakes. We determine the scale and structural details based on topography, geology, and flood characteristics. Subsequently, we examine the construction methods and design the river facilities for construction.

Nature-oriented River Works

Rivers are precious habitats blessed with abundant nature and waterside for fauna and flora. There is a need to conserve its precious river environment.  

We, while taking into consideration the natural operation system in the river environment, propose in creating nature-oriented rivers that can preserve habitation and breeding environment for living organisms.

In order to create a river environment that is well-liked by the community, we will build a consensus among citizens and propose a river environment that is connected to local life, history, and culture.

List of Major Project Experiences

Client Project Name Project Summary
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Detailed Design of River Development within the Kano River System Detailed Design of Revetment, Design of Pumping Station
Local Government Re-Evaluation of River Improvement Project within the Koyama River Basin Study of Flood Susceptible Area, Analysis of Flood Damage Index
Local Government Study of the Nagara River Improvement Measures in Shirotori Area, Gujo City, Gifu Study of River Improvement Measures, Aerial Shoot along the River Channel
Local Government Post Monitoring of Nature-Oriented River Works and Experimental Proof Verification of New Drop Structure in North Distributary of the Kiso River System Nature-Oriented River Works, Survey for Natural Environment, Multi-Step Type Drop Structure
Local Government Detailed Design of the Nagara River within the Kisogawa-Joryu River Office Detailed Design of Revetment, Nature-Oriented River Works

Erosion and Sediment Control 

Major Services

In order to protect the lives of people living in the river basin, erosion and sediment control projects will be implemented to control the sediment runoff caused by rainfall. We evaluate the possibility of occurrence of landslide disasters as well as plan and design the layout of erosion and sediment control dam.

Plan and Design of Erosion and Sediment Control Facilities

In recent years, landslides have occurred frequently claiming many lives and properties. We develop the layout plan of erosion and sediment control facilities for capturing mudslides and driftwoods along with preparation of application documents for project approval.

Additionally, we design the erosion and sediment control facilities, including erosion and sediment control dam, mountain stream conversation works, sediment-retarding basin works, and sediment trap works that are compatible with local conditions.

Fundamental Survey of Sediment and Erosion Control and Setting of Warning Zones

In preparation for the occurrence of landslide disasters, it is necessary to know the areas where disasters are likely to occur and link them to the evacuation actions of residents.

We conduct necessary fundamental surveys in accordance with Sediment Disasters Prevention Act to designate Sediment Disaster Prone Areas and Sediment Disaster Special Alert Areas with the aim to help create an evacuation system in case of a landslide disasters.

List of Major Project Experiences

Client Project Name Project Summary
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Study of Thermal Stress on Erosion and Sediment Control Dam within Tenryu River System Analysis of Thermal Stress on Erosion and Sediment Control Dam during Construction
Local Government Fundamental Survey for Designating Sediment Disaster Prone Areas and Sediment Disaster Special Alert Areas Fundamental Survey for Erosion and Sediment Control Dam (Debris Flow in Steep Terrain)
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Study of Thermal Stress on Erosion and Sediment Control Dam Concrete Placement Plan and Thermal Stress Analysis of Erosion and Sediment Control Dam
Local Government Revision of Design and Survey Guidelines for Erosion and Sediment Control Projects Revision of Erosion and Sediment Control Facilities Design Guidelines
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Design of Erosion and Sediment Control Facility within the Shonai River System Detailed Design of Erosion and Sediment Control Facility, Detailed Design of Mountain Stream Conservation Works
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Detailed Design of Erosion and Sediment Control Dam in Arasodani Volcanic Sediment and Erosion Control, Sediment-Retarding Basins, Sediment and Erosion Control Soil Cement Wall